Monday, March 9, 2009

Great Week

I had the honor of having lunch with 2 long lost friends from high school on Thursday. It was so great to catch up. I'm so jealous though...Lana and Tara both look just like they did in high school! And here I am so fat and frumpy still wearing some of my maternity clothes because I can't fit into much else. But you know what, friends don't care about that....just about who you are as a person. None-the-less, it was so great to see them and to catch up...after all it has been 18 years since we graduated!! OMG, I'm getting SO old!! :) Tara and Lana got to meet Wyatt, you know he's my sidekick. They both have kids Walker's was so neat to talk about the parallels of our lives even without being in touch for so long. Funny how that happens... I hope that we'll meet up on a regular basis now. I meant to take my camera, but forgot it after the whole crayon in the dryer fiasco just before I was heading out.

Thursday was also Walker's first baseball practice. They had to practice on the polo field, but at least they got one in since the last 2 were called off due to rain and cold. Walker was so excited that Alex, his classmate, is on his team. They are the Warriors and will have Red, Black & Gray uniforms. They will look so cute!
They had practice on a field on are a few pics that Randy took for me:

After practice we went out to look for Walker's baseball gear. Since his bag, bat, batting gloves and balls are in the back of the storage bldg, we got new stuff. Let me ask you this, who the heck buys a $200 bat for a 5/6 year old?? Well, I can tell you this, not us! Even if we pass it down to Wyatt, do you really get your money's worth?? I think not. So, Walker got another $20 bat and he's happy as a clam with it. We actually saw bats that were $600!! Um, can I get a H-E double hockey sticks, NO!!! We found great prices on new stuff at Play It Again Sports on Lee Hwy in Chattanooga. They were so helpful and the prices were great! We even splurged and got Walker a new bag. We got it for less than half the price it was at Hibbett's and Dick's. The only thing I didn't get there was Walker's cleats...I'm going back to Hibbett's--they had the best price on shoes.

Sunday Walker and Wyatt's presence was requested by their Nana, Ninny & Aunt Debbie. Here are a couple of pics mom took of Wyatt and Aunt Debbie:

While the kids were there, we took Walker's new helmet to the East Ridge Flea Market to be airbrushed. Not my favorite place in the world to go, but I was told the airbrushing place there was good.....and they were~ they did a great job. I also found a lady that make hair bows and embroiders them...I got one for my niece, Samantha, to match her ball uniform. Here's a picture of Walker wearing his newly airbrushed helmet:

It's not a great pic, but it's the only one I got and he wouldn't let me take another know, he was too busy!

And just for good's a cute pic of Wyatt with his big toothless grin I took just before his mid-morning bottle.

My little man is growing so fast. He's now starting to wear 3-6 months size clothes!

Oh, goodness, I almost forgot to share some of my most important news of the week. I joined Weight Watchers!! Yep, and I have a WW buddy, Christa. We're gonna get skinny together!! Now, you know I'm not gonna share my weight with the world, but as I loose, I will share how much I'm loosing. It's taking some getting used to with the points system, but I'm so motivated!! I'm not overly concerned with the scale so much as how I look and feel. I have 2 little kids and I need to be in the best health possible. I'm so pumped about it!

One last thing for brother will be home from Afghanistan at the end of this month! We're so excited his time there is almost done! We can't wait to see him, but most importantly, his wife and kids can't wait to see him!!!

Take care....and send Thin Thoughts my way!! ;)

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