Sunday, March 22, 2009

Bellyaches, Baseball & Boyfriends

Yes, I said boyfriend. Got your attention, huh!?! Let's go in chronological order, shall we?

Bellyaches: I was sick with a stomach bug/flu type thing starting on Thursday. By Friday, Walker was sick and stayed home from school. I was so nervous that we were both going to be sick when our visitors arrived. Thankfully, by Friday afternoon I was able to eat a Popsicle and then moved on to a small helping of mashed potatoes and a biscuit. Walker pretty much stayed in bed and just vegged out all day long. He was feeling better by Saturday morning.

Baseball: Walker missed his teams first baseball game. He was just too sick. He was so upset that he missed it, but there was no way he could play. More to come about the rest of the baseball weekend further down in this post.

My dear friend A, with whom I've been friends for 17 years, her children and her boyfriend came for a visit this weekend. I was quite apprehensive about the meeting in the beginning, but was excited to see Anna and the kids, so I tried not to let it get to me. A and I met in basic training when I was a mere baby of 18 years old.....we've stayed in touch ever since. Randy and I first met A's now ex-husband in 1996 (I believe) and are the God-parents to their two children. We don't see each other on a regular basis, but communicate regularly through phone and email. We try to visit each other every year or so.
This was our first meeting with T, 'the boyfriend'. Not to get into the details, but when I was first told about T I was not very happy, but a friend is a friend is a matter what. You may not always agree, but you're always there to cheer on or pick up the pieces, sometimes both at the same time. It took me some many years to truly understand this....when you're young you often think the world revolves around you and you don't always appreciate those true friendships as you do when you're older. Little did I know way back when that there will only be a very few that are considered to be true friends. Some you even consider family and they know you so well it's scary; some you may see rarely but are very close and wish you could see them more but the miles separate you; and some you go years(nearly 2 decades in some cases) without seeing or speaking to and seem to pick up right where you left of and you wonder how you ever lost touch and feel sadness for all the years lost. But I digress....
We finally got to meet T this weekend. I'm not quite sure what I expected, but it wasn't what I saw....does that make sense? He is very nice and very quite; I kind of expected him to be a little more outgoing and talkative.....but it's understandable I guess. I'm sure it was more uncomfortable for him than for us. Overall, I think the visit went very well. Randy and T had a little time to chat about whatever guys chat men "chat"? Probably not, but nonetheless, they got to and Randy said he seems to be a nice enough guy. I agree. However, I do reserve the right to change my mind at any time :) BTW, if you're wondering.....Yes, A does read my blog, so no secrets here :) love ya, girl!
Here's some pics of their visit.
A and Me atop Wilder Tower in Chickamauga Battlefield--that is 134 steps up and 134 down! OMG!!! We thought we would die!!!!

Here's looking up when the kids, Randy and T when back. The little dots are C, E & Randy looking down at us.

E, C & Walker

And here is one I took of one of the most photogenic boys ever:

After our little trip to the battlefield and then to Lookout Mtn, it was time for Walker's first ball game! As I said earlier, his team actually played the night before, but Walker was too sick to it was the teams 2nd game. They lost the game, but they all played so well. Walker had a great time. Here are a few pics:

Even though the team lost on Saturday (and Friday), it's a triple elimination tournament, so they got another shot on Sunday. We met A and her bunch for breakfast and had surprise tag-a-longs: my dad and stepmom (aka Pop & Yaya). Then we all went to the playground until it was time for Walker's next game. Dad & Lisa were on their bike. Walker 'said' he wanted to go for a ride, then Pop turned it on and he changed his mind. He did, however, agree to pose for some pics:
After the park, it was time for everyone to go their separate ways. A, T & the kids went back to ATL to catch their flight back to Philly; Dad and Lisa went back to Joanie's to load up the bike and head back to White Bluff and we headed to the ball fields.

Walker played great again today! They won their first game of the day and had to be back to play a 2nd game at 5:30. Sadly, they losst the 2nd game, but they got medals and were very happy about that. They were great!! Here's Walker just after getting his first medal:

We have another tournament this coming weekend, weather provided. It's going to be a great (and long) baseball season for us. There will be a parade of teams through Ft. Oglethorpe on 4/11 and then openinig ceremonies for the regular season. We actually have a regular season game on the scedule the weekend before...not sure how that happened, but oh well. I'm kind of bummed to find out about the date of the ceremony because we were planning to go to Alabama that weekend (of Good Friday and Easter) to visit my brother and his family. We've decided to plan that trip for another time so Walker doesn't miss this part of his ball season.

Weight Watchers Update: I lost 4.2lbs Saturday!! YIPPEEEEEE!! I'm sure the stomach flu helped some, but I'll take it! :) I'm now down 8lbs in 2 weeks. I received my first 5lb star on Saturday at the meeting. I hope I can keep this momentum going. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't post a comment on you WW post because of the monkey. But I wanted to tell you I can relate. I'm doing it to and weigh in was today and I gained a flippin pound. Hang in there!
