Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Well, today was doctor day for the boys. Walker's 6 year and Wyatt's 6 month check ups. Sadly, they both had to get shots. Wyatt's was no surprise, but Walker's was. I didn't realize that Walker needed an immunization today; I thought his pediatrician's office from Columbia told me he wouldn't need any more for a while. They must have overlooked this one. He'll be getting another one in 6 months....that'll be fun. Walker doesn't do well with shots, and that's putting it mildly. Not only did he have to get a shot, but they drew blood. Ahhh, it was such a lovely visit!
The Stats:
Walker-38.8lbs (he lost 2 1/2lbs); 44.5" tall. We are going to be starting Walker on a high-calorie diet. Just gotta figure out what he'll actually eat that will help. Walker also did poorly on his hearing test. He's been telling me for the last few days that he's having a hard time hearing. He didn't hear anything on the normal level. They believe that it's due to his chronic ear infections and he possibly has some fluid. Walker will be on antibiotics for 2 rounds (about 1 month). Hopefully that will clear it up, otherwise he'll be going back to an ENT--possibly tubes again? We'll see what happens.

Wyatt-18.4lbs; 27.5" long; 17.5" head. I did not get his percentile ranges for all the shot and blood drama. :) He's perfectly healthy.

Before/In-progress pics (Please keep in mind we are not done....but this is where we are now.)

Living Room:


In progress

Dining Area:


In progress



In progress

Walker's Room:


In progress

Wyatt's Room:


In progress

Well, I have a couple of cranky boys here, so I better close for now. Take care and if I don't have the chance before, I hope you all have a wonderful and safe 4th of July!


  1. Wow... color sure makes a big difference! It's looking great!

  2. It looks great! I can't imagine why you'd want to change that lovely green, tho! LOL! ;)

  3. amazing what a coat of paint will do.
