Monday, July 13, 2009

I vow to LOOSE IT!

Well, today I'm starting anew with my weight loss. I haven't been blogging about my progress in Weight Watchers much lately because I haven't been doing so well. I was up to 19.4 total loss until a few weeks ago when I gained 1.6. I skipped 2 weeks of meetings and was dreading my Saturday weigh-in, only to find I had actually lost (.6). Not much, mind you, but a loss is a loss. So, now my total loss is 18.4. Since I am nowhere close to where I thought I'd be by now, I am rededicating myself to getting to a healthy weight.

Now, I'm not willing to share my weight with the world, but I am willing to tell you all how much I'm loosing (or gaining) each week. I am willing to share when I've gone over my points and when I've done well. I'm hoping that by being more open with everyone about my day to day struggles with this, it will help me to stay focused on what I want. I am under no illusions to get back to the weight I was in high school or basic training, but I do wish to be a healthy weight in order to be a healthier woman, mother & wife.

The first 15lbs seemed so easy and I thought that I'd be down to my goal weight in no time. I think the first 15 was so easy because I'd been eating so poorly that the slightest healthy change in my diet made the first of those pounds just melt, I have to work at it a little harder.

So, as I said, today begins anew....follow along with me on this journey of weight loss. I'd love to read your comments.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's great... I'll be there to encourage you cause you're encouraging me just by documenting your progress! Maybe I'll start something too! I'm vowing right now to LOOSE it too (weight that is, not my mind)! LOL

