Monday, May 4, 2009

Well, May 2nd, 2009 has arrived. It is a sacred day in our home, known as WALKER'S BIRTHDAY!!!! :)

6 years ago on May 1st, 2003 I received a call at work from Walker's birth-mother telling me that her doctor was putting her in the hospital "right now" for an induction! This was around 2pm. I was so scared, excited, nervous, just a bundle of emotions. 18 hours later, we arrived in Rapid City, SD; checked into our hotel, took a shower, settled the dogs into their temporary home, and headed to the hospital to meet our baby boy for the first time. I get chills still when I think about it. Walker was a mere 5 hours old when we first saw him. He was perfect in every way, and still is no matter how much he drives us crazy :)

Now, this baby of ours is 6 years old. Where has the time gone? How has my baby grown so much? How can I slow him down so I can enjoy every second of him?

Ok, I'm done with the mushy, sentimental stuff now...I can't go on about it any more or I'll be bawling for sure!

The Party:
We had a change of venue due to rain. Thanks to my in-laws for allowing us to take over with wild and crazy little boys and a couple of sweet little girls and a gaggle of parents, grandparents, cousins, etc. It was fun, even if the rain made us stay inside.

The Cake:
My oven decide to cook unevenly and burned the bottom of half of the cake. I won't even begin to type what I said and thought for fear of being banned from Blogger! So, I called up trusty ole Wally World to save my cake burning butt....I requested a 1/2 sheet cake, yellow, white icing and no decorations at all. FYI: Walmart charges the same amount for a cake whether it's decorated or not. Humf! Oh, what you gotta do for your kids. So, I get the cake decorated as best I can. Not exactly what I had envisioned, but Walker liked it and that's all that counts.

The Gifts:
So, the big hit was the Star Wars Voice Changer. But, you ask, what about he Wii you were getting him? Oh, he got it. We saved it for last because it was the "big finale" of the gifts, right--WRONG! Oh, he was excited about it, but not near as excited about the voice changer helmet. :) Never fails, always out done no matter how big you go! LOL

The Thanks:
Thank you to all our friends and family who came to Walker's braved rainy weather to come and we thank you for it. Thank you to all who gave him gifts.....they weren't necessary, but very much appreciated and he's playing with them all. Walker spent Sunday shopping with his gift cards and cash to get even more games and toys.

I'd also like to throw out a special thanks to my mom who helped me with the shopping and helped Randy and I get things coordinated for the last minute changes because of the weather.

The Dinner:
The festivities didn't end with the party...oh, no! Not in our family!! It's an all day event! We went to Red Robin for Walker's birthday dinner. The four of us, my brother and his crew, my mom & sister, my dad and step-mom, my MIL & FIL, and my grandparents was a great way to end the day.

The award for longest distance traveled goes to my brother and his family, traveling all the way from Ft. Rucker, AL.....and in 2nd, my dad and step-mom driving in from Nashville....if I have to give a 3rd, it would have to go to Renee, Mike and Brit coming from Lookout Mtn :)

No, it's not a Military Ball brother took his lovely wife out for a special birthday dinner on Friday, May 1st. We like to keep birthdays close in our family, just makes things more interesting :)
Misc. Pics:

I think that about covers it.
Have a wonderful day!


  1. happy birthday. at least he didn't want to just play with the wii box. and the cake looks great.

  2. I almost teared up, but luckily you stopped just in time! ;)
