Friday, May 22, 2009


Well, as most of you know I work part time from home. I actually didn't think my job would last as long as it has, so I'm very thankful to my company for keeping me around after our move. (The company is in Nashville, and we moved 2.5hrs away.)It was time for me to make a has been made. It has become increasingly difficult for me to work to my fullest ability with Wyatt home with me. School will be out for the summer soon, so Walker will be home too....what to do. I need to work, but I can't do it with the boys home with me. So, we made the decision to put the boys in daycare. Walker will actually be in "Day Camp", but they will be at the same place.
I am really sad to not spend the summer with the boys, but like I told Randy, I can either do this or get fired. It's too hard to focus anymore. It was a difficult decision that I am still accepting. It will be hard to take Wyatt to daycare for 8 hours a day...well, he'll actually be there about 8.5 hours a day. It makes me sad. But, I also remind myself that I have been able to spend much more time with him than a lot of working moms do, so I'm very lucky that way.
I think Walker will really enjoy day camp. They will go on field trips every week and do lots of fun things all summer long.
My schedule will still be very flexible, so I can still take time during the summer to do things with the boys.
I'm looking forward to working full time again. Maybe I'll even get to travel to Nashville from time to time again.

Ok, with all that said, let's get to some long overdue pictures that were taken over the past couple of weeks.

Erika playing the Wii with Wyatt watching

Walker (home from school sick) playing the Wii with Wyatt watching

First bite of squash
He seemed to like what he kept in his mouth!Closing Ceremonies....Walker got his trophey

The team with their trophies.
Walker was in a mood by the time it was over and wouldn't let me take his picture with his trophey, so I took one of Randy with it!

Family Fun Day at BPS

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