Thursday, September 24, 2009

Numbers and Soap

On Wednesday, Walker announced that he had gotten two phone numbers at school....GIRLS PHONE NUMBERS! WTH? Really? 6 year olds giving out phone I was shocked. He wanted to call them when he got home. That would be a NEGATORY! NOT GONNA HAPPEN! I had to explain that at 6 years old he did not need to be calling the homes of little girls. My dear husband thought it was hillarious and was proud that he's such a ladies man. Whatevah!

On Thursday morning Walker was in rare form....probably not true, it's not rare for him to be wound up first thing in the morning, but the attitude was particularly bad. Anyhow, he was back-talking. I was sick. I told him to please keep it down, do what I asked without argument because I didn't feel good. "PLEASE, just stop and get dressed." I think were the words....well, I got the good old "You're a butthead!" Excuse me? I don't think so. I advised him that he was to get dressed, and meet me in the kitchen for his punishment. I didn't yell, I didn't spank, just 'meet me in the kitchen'. His smart mouth continued with "You're just going to spank me, aren't you?" Imagine that in that smart-mouthed little sing-song way kids do....yep, that's it.
He finally got dressed and came to the kitchen where I'd prepared him a glass of cold water. I then proceeded to tell him to close his eyes and open his mouth. I squirted a little bit of Dawn dish liquid on my finger and rubbed it on his tongue. Then the screaming began! I told him to calm down, I had a glass of water for him that he should take a sip and swish it around his mouth. Guess what, that makes bubbles!! Yep, all a part of the lesson. He rinsed his mouth and promptly went to brush his teeth.
Soon after, I received an apology.

I don't think he'll soon be forgetting that he will be punished. His punishment may not be what he expects either. I'd told him a few weeks ago that I would do it if he called a name. So, there you go. I did it.
Mean? I don't really think so. Wasn't anything that hurt him......had a bad taste in his mouth. And hopefully that will be a nice memory of dirty words & name calling = getting your mouth washed with soap.

1 comment:

  1. good lesson! I don't think it's mean. He needs to learn. Also phone #s. REALLy?!
