Tuesday, December 22, 2009

1 year stuff....

Ok, so Wyatt has not had his 1 year well baby check, but I would like to list his accomplishments as of today......

He is about 30 inches long and weighs about 22lbs.

He now has a total of 7 teeth.....4 of which are not yet out all the way--all his top teeth. He has 3 teeth on the bottom.

He is not walking independently yet, but he will stand unassisted for while and cruises the furniture and will walk pushing his toys.

He's a really fast crawler!!

He says Mama, Dada or Daddy, Nana, bubba (brother), baba....ok, so sometimes he's just making the sounds, but I believe that these are the ones he associates with people/things.

He still does not sleep all night. Someday.......

He's a happy baby.

His hair has a reddish hue to it and his eyes are pretty much the same color as when he was born....a grey/blue/green----which I suppose equals Hazel!

He still takes a bottle. We tried weaning him from it, but he didn't seem to be ready, so we'll try again soon.

He is no longer on formula. He drinks whole milk now.

He loves playing with his toys.

Seems to have good hand/eye coordination.

Tries to use a fork/spoon when eating.

Will no longer eat "baby food". He eats what we eat for the most part.

He loves his big brother. It so sweet to see them hug. Wyatt's face just lights up when Walker talks to him. It warms my heart.

That's about it. He's growing so fast!

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