Monday, November 30, 2009

I know, I know.....where have you been?? Sick. 3 out of the 4 of us have been sick. Sinusitis, bronchitis, and over all yuckyness has plagued our household. We are on an upswing from all the nastiness, but it's still lingering. I am positive that, eventually, we all will be able to breath freely again at some point.
Thanksgiving, well, Randy was still pretty sick. We went to his parents briefly before heading out to Ooltewah to Aunt Shirley's home.
I'd forgotten how stressful it can be to leave the cocoon of child-proofedness with an almost-one year old......stepping out of that little bubble is a lot of work in a non-childproofed home. :)
Now, Wyatt is not yet walking, but that doesn't stop him from trying to be everywhere and get into everything. Thank goodness Aunt Shirley's TV is securely mounted to the wall and the credenza below only had a few things that needed to be moved out of reach. Oh, the joys! :)
Black Friday shopping went ok.....I was so bummed that Randy wasn't feeling well enough to go, so it was just Mom and me. I know that you ladies are probably thinking that he just SAID he didn't feel well to get out of going with us, but believe it or not, he actually enjoys BF shopping! He's a wonderfully strange breed and I'm a lucky girl ;)
We've begun the Christmas decorating process. Thankfully, I found a great deal on Craigslist and got a 6 panel baby gate for $20. Yep, you read correctly---$20!!! The hubby found it--he is AWESOME! :) Those things are usually $70, so I had to clean it up, who cares. I look at it this way, that $50 I saved is that much more for Christmas.
So, that wonderful gate it already in use. We have rearranged the furniture in the living room to make room for the, the 6 panel gate blocks (most) of the tree from Wy's little hands and keeps him corralled in the living room. Ahhhh, so nice. The remainder of the decorating will happen throughout the week. I still don't feel 100% better and just can't get into the swing of things---just get tired and out of breath b/c of the, I'm just doing a little at a time.
Also, this week is Randy's birthday. He will celebrate his 41st birthday on Wednesday!!

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